Technical codes
Technical codes include the following:
  • Camerawork/photographic
  • Lighting
  • Sound
  • Editing
Written or verbal codes
Written or verbal codes involve the words selected for the media product and what they communicate:
  • Language/words
  • Slogan or anchorage text (for advert)
  • Cover lines / main flash / title (for magazine cover)
  • Dialogue (if analysing a TV/film text)
Written codes are sometimes called lexical codes (simply another way of saying ‘related to language’).

Symbolic or non-verbal codes
Symbolic or non-verbal codes include the following:
  • Mise-en-scene (CLAMPS)
  • Body language/facial expression
  • Colour codes
  • Typographic codes (e.g. font/typography)
Narrative codes
Roland Barthes suggests narratives are driven by specific codes. The two most common narrative codes he discusses are:
  • Enigma codes: something that creates a question the audience want to see answered.
  • Action codes: something that promises drama.

Technical Codes.
The lighting is low key and there is key lighting which is illuminating g the mans face. There are no filler, lights which emphasises the contours of the mans face and highlights his cheekbones and facial features, drawing attention on him. The lighting creates a shadow around his eye area, making him seem enigmatic.

Written or Verbal codes
The anchorage text is an inspirational quote, aimed to motivate the audience to take on opportunities and live in the here and now, as the future is uncertain. The font fills in the hollows of the 'O' character, perhaps mimicking a bullet, which represents 50cents past. There is a slogan that reads " i m what i am", in quite a regal and grand font, perhaps to signify the impact and importance of the quote. The size and positioning is large and in the centre of the photo, clearly indicating that its important and conveys something worth looking at to the audience. The text conveys a message of authenticity and poses the idea that you should aim to accept who you are and the factors that contributed to shape you into  the person you are today.

Symbolic or nonverbal codes
The fingerprint image hints to a criminal past. Perhaps Reebok want to promote authenticity and not attempt to conceal the pasty mistakes of 50cent. Perhaps a key concept about this advert is that you should accept your past and attempt to move on instead of hiding it.

MAC makeup advert analysis
